Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rocktron Hush Noise Suppressor, Rack Mount

After spending who knows how much time getting the Tone and Responses I wanted from my Guitar, I noticed that when I wasn't playing, my rig was Noisy! Keyboardists ignore this post, everyone else listen if you are working from an Analog source (Guitar, Bass, Drums & Vocals). Silence and the Lack of Notes is sometimes more important than any note you play so Silence IS Golden sometimes. So to remedy that problem, I purchased a Rocktron Hush Noise Suppressor, Rack Mount to quiet the system down:

Rockman Hush Noise Suppressor, Rack Mount

This is one of the hardest pieces to explain what it does unless you are in front of my Rig and can hear what happens when I turn it off and on. There are 2 Controls that need to be explained. The first Control is the Noise Gate. So you can set the minimum amount (Threshold) of Gain Inputted to get the Gate to open before you hear anything. That's the easy part to explain to you...

The hard part is explaining what the other control does... Hiss is a High Frequency (Usually) and attenuates as you increase the high frequencies of your Instrument. This unit has a Backward Expanding Gate that acts as a High End Frequency Filter that pushes your Sound below the Threshold that you set. So if you are using a Distortion Box (Notorious for Hiss), you can dial up the Hush to offset that, eliminate the Hiss, and it adds more Mid-Range to your Source.

This piece would work on Vocals, Bass, etc. and I consider it one of THE most important Gizmos in my Rack! This reduces Ear Fatigue to the Audience as well as making sure that when I'm playing a rest, it truly IS a rest without any unwanted ambient noise from my system. Well worth the small investment!

Read my full Blog Here

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